Lowest Rate Guarantee
Our policy and how to report a lower rate

How does the Lowest Rate Guarantee work?

Connections Housing has contracted with all our hotel partners to ensure our guests have the lowest group rates. Our U.S. based call center continually monitors our hotel partner’s websites to maintain rate integrity.

If you find a rate that is lower than our group rate, we want to know about it! The lower rate must be, for the same hotel (click on event names on the "Events" page for a list of participating hotels for tier 1 events), same dates and length of stay, same number of guests, amenities, same bed type and have the same deposit and cancellation policy. This guarantee only applies until approximately 30 days prior to the competition.

Rates not included in the Lowest Rate Guarantee

  • Third-party website such as Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity, etc. These sites will run 24 or 48-hour sales to quickly sell limited or last-minute inventory.
  • Conditional Rates such as AAA, Government, Corporate, and Employee rates.
  • Non-participating hotel rates
  • (click on event names on the "Events" page for a list of participating hotels for tier 1 events)
  • Non-refundable rates
The rate you found meets all the conditions. What is the next step?

Please forward your hotel email confirmation to LowestRateGuarantee@ConnectionsHousing.com. Make sure to include the following:

  • The competition you are attending (name, city & dates)
  • Gym, Team and Athlete Name

Once your submission has been approved, we will contact you with the next steps. Please keep in mind once you are approved, if you change hotels or cancel you are still subject to the Stay Smart rules. We will be re-verifying all Exceptions and Lowest Rate Guarantees for a second time, just prior to the competition and reporting any changes or cancellations to Varsity.

© 2021 Connections Housing. All rights reserved.